Wednesday, June 20, 2012

You are Invited...

Not sure if anyone is actually reading this thing, but what the hey… here’s another update.

I am sitting in the Mama Gertrudes house writing a blog post thing. I’ve never actually met Mama Gertrude, but her house is nice, and so is the “land lord” (AKA: Emanuel or Ema). He keeps us in the know about the cultural dos and don’ts, lets us try his African food, and laughs and says “this is Africa” any time we ask a question like “why is the power out?” or “is the water working?”.… On that note, the power has gone out a bunch of times tonight, but it doesn’t phase me much, thanks to the flashlights and laptop mwahaha.

Anyway, this week and last week have been really busy and really fun. We have been teaching at Burden Bearers and Bible Church Academy during the day and then doing Crusades at night. The Crusades are awesome. We basically set up a light, speakers and a microphone at a focal point within a village. Then we play music until people start coming out and sitting around, and then the pastor shares the gospel. Last night a ton people (I don’t have the exact number) prayed to receive Christ! Last week in one night 84 people from a nearby village prayed to receive Christ. It is SO cool to be part of this!

Random, but I’ve been thinking a lot lately about just the total impact of me going here and everything. I wish I could see the big picture and the results now. I think my biggest fear is stepping off the plane at Dulles Airport with that sinking feeling in my stomach of regret because of things I did or didn’t do. I was thinking about like what a life without regret looks like, or like a life that’s surrendered to Christ and what it consists of. And really a life is made up of decades...duh, but hang on a sec… Decades consist of years, years months, months weeks, weeks days, days hours, and hours moments. A surrendered life is made up of many many surrendered moments at the feet of the Lord. So I don’t really need to see the big picture, because if I am surrendered in this moment, there will be no question of whether I have that sinking feeling in the next. And each moment here – each thought, choice, action, word or deed – is the determinant of the eternal impact this trip to Ghana will have.  So it’s walking by faith in God’s promptings to ask people how I can be praying for them even though it’s really awkward sometimes, or choosing not to get ticked and stay positive when I think about the fact that I am probably going to spend a ton of time and get a lot of blisters from washing my clothes by hand, or seeking and giving forgiveness for little things, and planning more creative lessons for the classes I teach in the afternoons instead of chatting on gchat or checking my mail, and waking up ten minutes earlier so I have more time in the Word and praying for the people we witnessed to and looking for scripture to encourage people we come in contact with. That was a long sentence... hopefully readable... definitely not fixable. 

Welp, I have to skedaddle to bed. Ya’ll have a good life now, yu hear? Ghana is making me wild (I’m trying to break the habit of using the work “crazy” because apparently it’s extremely offensive here).  


  1. Hey! I'm reading it!! Good stuff, Mary. I especially liked the part about living life without regrets. -Rich

  2. Such a good post! :):) I can't believe you guys will be back in less than a week. It's also hard to imagine how you're over there ... it's like dejavou (however you spell that), only it's you living it, instead of me .. I don't know if that made sense at all, but I loved reading about this Emmanuel guy's comments, AND man, it's so cool that you guys have gotten to go to Naga so much and spend the night out at different places. Ah! : )
